PRP Hair Restoration & PRF Plasma Facial Regeneration & Fillers

PRP-PRF Plasma Therapy for Skin Rejuvenation

PRP, also known as platelet-rich plasma treatment, is as natural as it gets and is infamously known as the “Vampire Facelift.” It entails drawing a sample of one’s own blood, centrifuging it to concentrate the platelets, and then injecting the plasma back into the skin. PRP sends all the natural growth factors and nutrients present in one’s own blood to the areas of the skin that require them most for tissue repair and rejuvenation.

PRP rejuvenates the skin and repairs problem areas including acne scars, wrinkles, and volume loss by harnessing one’s own capacity for healing, magnifying it, and applying it wherever desired. PRP micro-injections increase the production of collagen in the skin, progressively lowering the visibility of fine lines, wrinkles, and dark circles, and enhancing the skin’s radiance. The best outcomes with maintenance treatments come after three sessions.

Simply defined, PRF (Platelet Rich Fibrin) Filler is the use of a thicker, more clotted version of one’s own plasma as a natural putty-like filler in certain regions of the face to increase volume by inducing collagen through the release of growth factors that lasts considerably longer. The brow (plasma brow), region under the eyes (plasma eyes), cheeks, jaw line (plasma sculpt) and lips (plasma lips) are frequently included in this list. It is also commonly referred to as a Bio-matrix plasma filler (BMGF).

Procedure duration: 60 to 90 minutes (blood draw included)

Recovery time: 12 to 24 hours for recovery (minimal redness or swelling)

Techniques: Micro droplet PRP injection using U225 meso injector (see video below), PRP manual injection, and PRF plasma using a micro-cannula technique

Pain level: minimal with local ice pack and numbing cream application

Anesthesia: Topical numbing cream

Results: Initial changes noticeable within the first week, progress over the next few weeks (for 6-12 mths);

Treatments Required: 3 initially, then once every year

Recommended for:

  • Skin tone, texture and firmness
  • Collagen production
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Crow’s feet
  • Acne scarring
  • Under eye hollows correction, neck rejuvenation, décolletage

U225 Meso Injector

Dr. Grodski makes uses of the U225 meso injector, which is renowned as the safest, most comfortable and effective meso injector ever created.

Enhanced PRP Hair Restoration Therapy (+Exosomes/ACell) Near Me in South Surrey (since 2013)

Dr. Grodski has been performing PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) therapy as a therapeutic option for male and female patients experiencing hair loss and hair thinning since 2013. PRP therapy is a non-surgical and non-invasive treatment for hair restoration. PRP aids in the body’s natural repair process and contains growth factors known to boost the growth of the hair follicle stem cells and revitalize the hair root foundation to grow a thicker and healthier head of hair. Studies have shown hair diameters to increase via growth factors, causing hair to appear thicker and fuller. The total number of hairs as well their duration, likewise appear to be greatly improved. Hair Mass Index (a measurement of hair density & volume) typically improves by 15-40%.

For PRP therapy alone, three treatments are typically required for optimal results, with maintenance treatments occurring approximately every 6-8 months.

Combining PRP therapy with Exosomes or ACell allows for fewer treatments being required. Dr. Grodski has followed the work of Dr. Amiya Prasad, one of the pioneers of ACell treatment, closely over the years. ACell is pre-ordered on request.

U225 Meso Injector

When not injecting manually, Dr. Grodski makes uses of the U225 meso injector, which is renowned as the safest, most comfortable and effective meso injector ever created.

Procedure Duration: 1 hour

Pain level: Minimal with local application of numbing cream, ice, and the use of a vibration anesthesia device

Anesthesia: Topical numbing cream and the use of a vibration anesthesia device

Treatments Needed: 3 initially, then once every 6-12 months

Downtime: None

Exosomes (ExoERC+) + PRP

Genetic Testing for Hairloss

What we offer

  • Fagron TrichoTest™
  • Pharmacogenomic (PGx)

About Fagron TrichoTest™

  • Alopecia is a disorder that progresses and has a variety of forms and causes. Androgenetic alopecia, the most typical kind of hair loss, is inherited. Hair loss typically worsens over time if neglected.
  • Fagron TrichoTest examines 48 genetic variants and 13 genes that are connected to alopecia, and is a modern genetic test using DNA micro array technology.
  • A personalised therapy option is offered from 175 million therapeutic options via a proprietary algorithm.
    Genetic analysis is 99.9% reproducible.

What Fagron TrichoTest™ analyzes

  • Prostaglandins metabolism
  • Inflammation
  • Androgenic effect
  • Vasodilation and blood circulation
  • Collagen production
  • Mineral and vitamin metabolism
  • Metabolism of Insulin-like growth factor

Who is it for

Fagron TrichoTest™ is indicated to be used by:

  • Everyone who is interested in learning how their genetics may impact the management of alopecia.
  • Patients with family history of alopecia / hair loss
  • Both men and women who have tried various therapies but had little or no luck.

Types of alopecia analyzed:

  • Androgenetic alopecia
  • Alopecia areata
  • Telogen effluvium

Why Fagron TrichoTest™

Completely individualized treatment

Your physician writes a prescription that is specifically tailored to you.

Genetic causes are explained

Fagron TrichoTest explains your hereditary traits and how they relate to alopecia therapy.

Specialized Assistance

Your doctor will now have a better knowledge of your genetic makeup and how alopecia is related to it.

Once in a lifetime test

Your genetic findings won’t alter during the course of your life.

PRP-PRF Full Makeover: Volumizing Facial & Hair Restoration

Every year, through the act of aging, we can lose 1 ml of volume in our face. By the time we reach our 40s and 50s this can lead to a total loss of 20-30ml lost of volume! This can be quite challenging and expensive to restore if simply relying on cosmetic hyaluronic acid fillers. PRP & PRF therapy can help bridge that gap, whether on its own or in combination with cosmetic fillers, by inducing collagen production and the restoration of lost volume, using our own blood’s innate growth factors.

PRP is manipulating one’s own ability to heal, amplifying it, and then using it wherever one desires – to rejuvenate the skin and repair target areas like acne scars, wrinkles and volume loss. PRP injections stimulate collagen synthesis in the skin, gradually reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, dark circles and bringing more luminosity to the skin. Three treatments are required for optimal results with maintenance treatments.

PRF (Platelet Rich Fibrin) is simply using a thicker, more clotted form of one’s plasma that is used in particular areas of the face to boost volume via collagen induction through its’ much longer lasting release of growth factors. These areas are typically the brow (plasma brow), under the eye (plasma eyes), cheeks, jaw line (plasma sculpt) and lips (plasma lips).

Our combined volumizing facial and hair restoration treatment combines both popular plasma treatments in one session which both is more economical on time as well as cost. There is a cost savings of $200 in combining both treatments.

Procedure time: 90 minutes (includes blood draw)

Recovery time: 12 – 24 hours (mild redness or minor swelling)

Technique: A combination of manual injections using very fine, very small needles, or micro-cannulas, and injections using the U225 meso injector.

Pain level: Minimal with application of numbing cream / local ice pack

Anesthesia: Topical numbing cream

Results: Initial changes noticeable within the first week, progress over the next 1-3 months;

Treatments Required: 3 initially, then as needed for maintenance (e.g. once per year)

Recommended for:

  • Skin tone, texture and firmness
  • Loss of volume & collagen production
  • Fine lines and wrinkles (forehead, nasolabial folds, crow’s feet)
  • Acne scarring
  • Under eye hollows correction: Plasma Eyes
  • Lip volumizing: Plasma Lips
  • Contouring (cheeks & jaw line): Plasma Sculpt
  • Neck rejuvenation, Décolletage


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