Botox & Xeomin Treatment

Botox & Xeomin

Botox & Xeomin Treatment

  • Who’s it for? Anyone looking to smooth and soften wrinkles and look younger and more refreshed.
  • Why do wrinkles/lines appear? From facial expression, the environment and aging.
  • Goal: Smooth out the signs of aging and enhance one’s natural beauty.
  • Neuromodulators Currently Used: Xeomin
  • Procedure time: 15 mins
  • Recovery time: None
  • Technique: Micro droplet injection
  • Anesthesia: Topical numbing cream and ice
  • Pain level: None to mild
  • Results: 5-7 days initially, 2 weeks for full effect
  • Lasts: 3 – 5 months
  • Treatments Required: Every 3-4 mths: Subsequent treatments may require less product to achieve desired results.
  • How much does a Botox/Xeomin treatment cost?
  • It depends on the amount of product needed and the areas of the face being treated.
  • Who should not use this treatment?
  • Those who are pregnant, or nursing, have a neurological disease, or are currently on tetracycline, penicillamine or any aminoglycoside antibiotic.
  • Alternatives: No treatment, topical creams chemical peels, photo rejuvenation, or surgical face, brow or eyelid lift.


Recommended for:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Crow’s feet
  • Brow lift / Eyebrow Shaping
  • Frown lines (angry 11’s) / Bunny Lines / Lip lines
  • Gummy smile
  • Downturned mouth
  • Facial (jaw) sliming
  • Chin Dimpling


  • Simple and quick treatment
  • Effective & subtle results
  • Results appear within days
  • Non-permanent

Wrinkle Relaxing Injections

Wish those lines and wrinkles would just relax… and disappear?

You’re in good company! Whether 25 or 65, millions of North Americans have been receiving this simple treatment, making it the number one global cosmetic procedure for the past 20 years. Why? Because it works! Botox is one of 3 neuromuscular relaxers approved by Health Canada, along with Xeomin and Dysport. (We are currently using Xeomin cosmetic). All 3 neuromuscular relaxers are safe, effective and economical wrinkle relaxers, that soften the appearance of lines and wrinkles helping the skin look smoother and more youthful.

Wrinkle Relaxing Injections, or neuromodulators, work to prevent and decrease the appearance of wrinkles by temporarily blocking nerve impulses, relaxing the muscles involved in repeated facial movements. As the muscles move less frequently, dynamic wrinkles and lines gradually fade. Angry or sad lines that contribute to a tired or haggard appearance are eased and patients look smooth, fresh and well rested following treatment. Neuromodulators provide subtle to dramatic improvement of lines and unwanted wrinkles, while maintaining a natural appearance.

Fine lines and wrinkles will smooth out and even diminish completely, leaving your skin taut, fresh and youthful in appearance, in just one office visit.

What are Botox & Xeomin?

What are Botox & Xeomin?

Botox® and Xeomin are sterile, purified proteins (derived from a bacteria) that temporarily block nerve activity and relax the contraction of muscles that cause “dynamic” lines and wrinkles to form (those that only appear when you’re expressing). By temporarily blocking the nerve impulses responsible for muscle contractions, wrinkles are given a rest—no longer contributing to the deepening of lines. For over two decades, these neuromodulators have been helping millions of patients, worldwide, look younger longer. Besides its use as a cosmetic muscle relaxer, it is safely used for many medical conditions such as chronic migraine, overactive bladder, excessive sweating, spasms in the neck, cerebral palsy, chronic muscular pain, vocal cord dysfunction and visual disturbances.


Side effects of Botox/Xeomin

There is no known permanent side effect of Botox/Xeomin treatment for wrinkles. Botox has been used for wrinkles sine 1987, and is considered an extremely safe procedure by doctors. There are several temporary side effects which include pain and possible bruising at the injection site; transient muscle twitching with muscle asymmetry which can be treated without touch up injections; and transient numbness. Less than 1% of patients receiving Botox/Xeomin can experience temporary eyebrow drooping and/or double vision if the neuromodulator affects the muscle which move the eye and eyelid. This effect usually only lasts up to four weeks. Some patients may be less sensitive to Botox/Xeomin and the therapy will not work as well for them as expected.

What to Expect

What to Expect at Your Initial Consultation

Dr. Grodski will start with a consultation to discuss your skin care goals and will develop a personalized treatment plan to address your areas of concern. Neuromodulators are often used in addition to fillers, and skin care for a global approach to anti-aging. Please be sure that all of your questions are answered to your satisfaction before any treatment is undertaken.

If you plan to have injections performed on the day of your consult, please refrain from using alcohol, aspirin, or any anti-inflammatory medication for 2 days prior. On the day of the consultation, wash your face with antibacterial soap and do not apply any makeup to the area which is being treated.

What’s involved in the treatment and follow-up appointments?

Neuromodulator appointments are about 15 minutes. We begin by consulting with you to understand your facial goals and then proceed with administering injections. Actual injections take only a few minutes and the discomfort is minimal. Xeomin is injected using a very fine needle into the muscles that are creating the wrinkles and after your appointment you will be given after care instructions.

After the Treatment:

There is no downtime after a Botox/Xeomin treatment and you can return to your regular day with a few simple instructions to ensure your treatment results are the best they can be. You will be asked to avoid alcohol, skip exercise for the balance of the day and stay upright for 4 hours after treatment.

What to expect from Botox/Xeomin:

After an injection, the effect gradually begins over several days and is not complete for two weeks, and sometimes longer. The effects of Botox/Xeomin therapy often become longer after repeated injections. Botox/Xeomin therapy may be combined with other cosmetic facial procedures such as micro-needling, and filler to enhance the appearance.

For maximum results it is recommended that after receiving injections you do not vigorously rub or massage the treated area for 2 hours. You should actively contract the treated muscles (for example, frown or grimace) to increase the response of the Botox/Xeomin for two hours following the treatment.


Prevention with Botox/Xeomin

Regular use of this simple treatment will soften expression lines and help to “stop the clock” on the development of further deepening of lines. Deep lines form from repeated movement of the dynamic facial muscles. Studies indicate that regular use of neuromodulators to relax these muscles may slow the development and further deepening of lines. For the patient, this means looking younger, fresher, and happier longer.