Post-Concussion Syndrome & Vertigo

Concussions are relatively common experiences, whether from sports or motor vehicle accidents. Unfortunately for many individuals who experience a concussion, its resolution is not as quick or straightforward as they would hope or like.

The inflammation that occurs from a concussion and the general reaction of the brain to the trauma can lead to many various symptoms including altered mood, cognition, focus, mental stamina, and ability. Coordination and ability to manage one’s job as well as environmental stresses (such as driving and navigating streets and highways) may likewise be affected.

Treatments at White Rock Naturopathic include oral supplementation regimens, IV therapies, Cranialsacral osteopathy, laser and acupuncture, and injectable therapies.

Vertigo, Dizziness and Tinnitus are commonly experienced conditions and symptoms that may arise from a multitude of causes. Treatments for vertigo depend on causative factors, but may include natural or prescribed medications, or in office therapies such as acupuncture or ozone therapy.

Though common, tinnitus can vary from an occasional nuisance to a life debilitating condition that greatly impacts quality of life on a daily basis. Treatment options remain few, but fortunately, many still do benefit greatly from those currently available: ozone (ear) insufflation, acupuncture, oral supplementation and Acampral (Acamprosate) therapy.