Ultrasound Guided PRP Therapy, Prolotherapy & Prolozone



“Proliferative Injection Therapy” (also known as nonsurgical ligament restoration) is a regenerative injection therapy for chronic pain that is endorsed and advocated by the Mayo Clinic. As a result, it has gained popularity among athletes. It is an alternative to surgery, arthroscopy, cortisone injections, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, and/or persistent usage of narcotic pain drugs. It involves injecting a local anaesthetic along with a solution of dextrose (sugar water), into damaged or weakened connective tissue such as a tendon or ligament. It was initially developed back in the 1940s by Dr. George Hackett, MD, and further developed by Gustav Hemwall in the 1950s (99% of his 10,000 prolotherapy cases found relief from their chronic pain). This causes localized irritation and inflammation, which in turn promotes the mending that had never fully taken place before. Growth factor release at the injured site may lead to a 30–40% strengthening, which lessens persistent pain, chronic inflammation, and weakness.

Every four to six weeks, prolotherapy treatment sessions are often administered. Many patients undergo therapy at steadily decreasing intervals until they no longer need it, at most, once every few years.

Numerous types of musculoskeletal pain can benefit from the treatment, such as arthritis, back pain, neck pain, fibromyalgia, sports injuries, unresolved whiplash injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, chronic tendonitis, partially torn tendons, ligaments, and cartilage, degenerated or herniated discs, TMJ, avoiding hip or knee replacement surgery, damaged knee ligaments, chronic ankle sprain, plantar fasciitis, frozen shoulder,

A safe and efficient method of treating pain, prolotherapy actually encourages the body to heal rather than merely masking the symptoms. Anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs), including Aspirin, Advil, Motrin, and Celebrex, are known to induce renal failure and ligament damage with extended usage. According to a 1998 research by the Centres for Disease Control in the U.S., NSAIDs are responsible for 20,000 fatalities annually.

Evidence Basis: Rabago et al. [A systematic review of prolotherapy for chronic musculoskeletal pain. Clin J Sport Med. 2005 Sep;15(5):376-80] noted: “Two [randomized controlled trials] on osteoarthritis reported decreased pain, increased range of motion, and increased patellofemoral cartilage thickness after prolotherapy.”

PRP Therapy

PRP Therapy

A portion of blood plasma called platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has a high concentration of platelets as well as a number of growth factors, which are directly involved in tissue regeneration. When re-injected into weaker or injured tendons or ligaments, it has been demonstrated in clinical investigations to increase the proliferation of multiple cell types, speed up healing, and promote connective tissue regeneration. The bio-active proteins promote the growth of stem cells, which start the regeneration and repair of bones, connective tissue healing, the development of new blood vessels, and the stimulation of wound healing.

Due to its popularity among elite players and its success in treating their sports-related injuries, it is a sophisticated method used in prolotherapy to speed up healing and tissue regeneration. It has attracted a lot of media interest. Tiger Woods, Hines Ward, and Pittsburgh Steelers Troy Polamalu are among those who have sought therapy. PRP has previously been used for years at medical facilities all over the world to increase the success of bone grafting, as well as by aesthetic surgeons to hasten healing and lower infection risk following surgery. PRP injections for the treatment of chronic pain have just recently been used by doctors and surgeons. With the aim of rebuilding degraded connective tissue, tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis/tendinosis, rotator cuff tears, meniscal tears, osteoarthritis, and chronic low back and neck pain are all being treated with PRP. PRP injections have been found to be 8x more effective than standard dextrose prolotherapy.

Before injecting it again into the treatment sites, PRP is separated from a little portion of the patient’s blood.

Dr. Grodski has been providing PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma therapy) for patients from Surrey, Langley, Delta, Aldergrove, Abbotsford, Chillwack, Blaine, and White Rock since 2011, and prolotherapy since 2008.

PRP Science

The growth factors or cytokines, found in the PRP, include:

The body’s own stem cells are recruited to the affected area and differentiate to generate new, healthy, and strong regeneration of damaged ligaments and tendons when these growth factors are concentrated and injected at the site of injury.

PRP offers a fibrin matrix graft, which acts as a scaffold for the formation of new collagen along torn ligaments and tendons. Even severely injured tissues can reorganise and recover with a fibrin matrix transplant.

Due to its potency, platelet rich plasma serves as a tissue growth accelerator that speeds up the natural process of tissue repair and healing. According to studies, PRP stimulates the growth of new bone and cartilage cells as well as collagen at the injection site’s fibroblasts. Injured ligaments and tendons are strengthened by this by regenerating joint cartilage. The existing cartilage and ligaments are thicker and more elastic as a result of this new, strong collagen being organically absorbed into them.


How Does PRP Prolotherapy Compare With Cortisone Shots?

Studies have shown that cortisone injections can impair tissue. Despite the fact that cortisone injections have the ability to temporarily reduce pain and halt inflammation, they might not be effective for long-term recovery. Tendons and ligaments are repaired and strengthened during platelet rich plasma treatment, which can also result in up to 40% thickening of the tissue in rare situations.

How Does PRP Regenerative Injection Therapy compare with regular Dextrose Prolotherapy?

PRP Regenerative Injection Therapy is particularly helpful when routine dextrose prolotherapy has shown favourable outcomes but recovery has not been perfect. PRP is frequently the option for therapy that will address the less receptive or more wounded regions in these kinds of circumstances. In reality, professional and anecdotal evidence has shown that employing PRP as the prolotherapy injection solution has a deeper healing impact than using normal dextrose prolotherapy and leads in a faster healing process with fewer sessions.

Frequency Of Treatments

Patients often experience the effects of PRP injection therapy after just two sessions. Sometimes successful outcomes might come even sooner. Although everyone responds to therapy differently, most patients need 3-6 rounds of injections. The interval between each treatment is four to six weeks.

So what conditions are successfully treated with PRP?

PRP is not often considered a first-line treatment due to the high success rate of standard dextrose prolotherapy. It may be utilised as a first-line therapy for really severe rips or injuries, particularly if someone has had some Prolotherapy elsewhere. It is advisable to start with routine prolotherapy since it offers outstanding results 80% of the time. This is because normal prolotherapy is less expensive than PRP owing to the cost of filters, PRP technology, and preparation. Typically, users can tell if PRP Prolotherapy will be effective or not after the second session. Overall, the outcomes have been quite favourable. It’s incredibly secure. Regarding the remedy, there have been no responses.

When to consider PRP solution as your Prolotherapy Option:

  • Although regular prolotherapy has had some success, and you are certain the treatment was administered correctly and into the necessary locations, but the outcomes have not been ideal or optimal.
  • Meniscal or labral tears
  • You have an extremely serious or complicated injury.
  • Athletes with high performance levels who put extra stress on joints
  • Patients from out of town who can’t make frequent repeat visits
  • People who want to get the best outcomes possible with the fewest possible injection visits

PRP Therapy for Hair Loss

Dr. Grodski has been performing PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) therapy for patients experiencing hair loss and hair thinning since 2013. PRP therapy is a non-surgical and non-invasive treatment for hair restoration. PRP aids in the body’s natural repair process and contains growth factors known to boost the growth of the hair follicle stem cells and revitalize the hair root foundation to grow a thicker and healthier head of hair. Studies have shown hair diameters to increase via growth factors, causing hair to appear thicker and fuller. The total number of hairs as well their duration, likewise appear to be greatly improved.

For PRP therapy alone, three treatments are typically required for optimal results, with maintenance treatments occurring once per year.

Combined ACell + PRP therapy allows for far fewer treatments being required. Dr. Grodski has followed the work of Dr. Amiya Prasad, one of the pioneers of this treatment, closely over the years.

U225 Meso Injector

When not injecting manually, Dr. Grodski makes uses of the U225 meso injector, which is renowned as the safest, most comfortable and effective meso injector ever created.


Ozone is used in a similar injectable method to prolotherapy called prolozone treatment. In comparison to conventional prolotherapy, the joint heals substantially more quickly when ozone is used. This is due to the fact that ozone, a highly reactive chemical, may induce fibroblastic joint healing when injected into a joint capsule.

From the American Academy of Ozonotherapy website:

Dr. Frank Shallenberger invented and popularised the homeopathic/oxygen-ozone injection method known as Prolozone®. It works well for many types of musculoskeletal and joint pain, including degenerative discs, shoulder and elbow discomfort, rotator cuff injuries, degenerative and arthritic hips and knees, and chronic neck and back pain. Prolozone frequently corrects the pathophysiology of the illness, which increases the likelihood that a chronic pain patient may get lasting pain relief by 75%.

A long-term remedy for chronic pain, prolozone is a type of non-surgical ligament restoration. Prolozone is a connective tissue injection therapy that uses ozone gas and collagen-producing agents to rebuild weaker or injured connective tissue in and around joints. To repair the injured regions, these compounds are injected into the damaged connective tissue in and around a joint.

All that is required to end chronic pain is the restoration of the connective tissue.

Ozone is used in Prolozone Therapy, an injectable method comparable to Prolotherapy. In comparison to conventional Prolotherapy, the joint heals substantially more quickly when ozone is used. This is due to the fact that ozone, a highly reactive chemical, may boost the fibroblasts’ capacity for joint healing when injected into a joint capsule.

The Latin word “proli” (which means to regenerate or re-build) and the English word “ozone” are the roots of the term “prolozone.” Literally, it implies using ozone to rebuild tissues. It’s critical to comprehend what Prolozone genuinely entails. Because the procedure results in the proliferation (growth, production) of new ligament tissue in regions where it has weakened, the term “prolo” is short for “proliferation”.

Ligaments serve as the body’s shock absorbers by holding bones to one another in joints. They are structural “rubber bands” that do this. Ligaments may not recover to their former strength or endurance if they are damaged or weaken. Additionally, once wounded, ligaments won’t naturally contract to their previous length. This is partly due to the inadequate blood supply to ligaments, which causes sluggish and occasionally incomplete recovery. The fact that ligaments contain a lot of nerve endings adds to the difficulty since pain will be felt where the ligaments are injured or come free.

Our joints can be compared to a door’s hinge. The door simply won’t open or close properly until the hinge is replaced, and our joints are no different. There is some progressive and natural degeneration of the body’s moving components, whether we are athletic or just becoming older, as a result of continual, repeated mechanical stress and tissues’ inability to heal. This may result from nutrient deficiency, poor circulation, ageing, and inflammation. The ligaments, tendons, and cartilage weaken and dry as a result. As a result, the joint becomes more loose and experiences increased anomalous mechanical stress and shearing forces. Torsion and abnormal shearing forces exacerbate joint dysfunction. As a result, the ligaments gradually separate from the periosteum, the outermost layer of the bone. The body fills the gap left by the pushing on the periosteum with new bone. Osteophytes are the name for these fresh bone growths. The first indications of degenerative arthritis in & around the joint are these. Reduced range of motion due to osteophytes and joint laxity puts tension on neighbouring muscles, which are then either over or underused, leading to further dysfunction and discomfort.

What does the Ozone do?

By enhancing the use of oxygen, ozone promotes circulation and boosts energy generation in cells. So that stem cells and blast cells have the resources they require to divide and proliferate, it decomposes into peroxides, which have been demonstrated to induce growth factors. Tissues can mend when circulation and cell membrane stability increase.

Ligaments, partly torn connective tissue, and slack structures are all repaired and tightened by plasmozone. Prolozone breaks the cycle of pain and inflammation. This enables the injured tissues to be hydrated and fed through an increase in blood flow and improved circulation. This leads to an improved range of motion and less discomfort by enabling the development of a healing environment within the joint.

Prolozone functions by supplying oxygen that produces energy to the deepest regions of your joint. Ozone, which I refer to as the miracle healer, works its wonders here. Cellular growth factors like Transforming Growth Factor Beta (TGF-B) are strongly stimulated by ozone. This potent cytokine stimulates cartilage cells to create the matrix proteins required by the body to produce the white material that makes up cartilage.

TGF-B enhances the organization of matrix proteins. It shields the cartilage’s outside surface. It controls the action of enzymes that break down other proteins and substances linked to inflammation. That’s a one-two-three healing punch. Ozone injections in or near joints promote tissue regeneration, the synthesis of antioxidant enzymes, and a reduction in inflammation. Can your cartilage really regenerate with this? It does repair cartilage, as shown by post-treatment knee X-rays that clearly demonstrate a rise in cartilage thickness.

The membranes of the cells that ozone comes into touch with respond nearly quickly. The membrane’s oxidation kick-starts the cells. Ozone has a strong effect on immune cells. They will release a wave of cytokines, which are potent molecules that promote healing. These are the incredibly brief proteins that immune cells communicate with one another. In addition to offering defense against infection, immune cells help clear away waste and control inflammation.

What is the difference between Prolozone vs Prolotherapy?

Prolozone promotes healing by using oxygen.
Prolotherapy causes fibroblast hypertrophy and growth (which strengthens ligaments) by using inflammation.

People who use prolozone may have very little to no discomfort and quicker pain relief. It operates swiftly, which makes it less costly.
Prolotherapy can cause discomfort and prolong the healing process.

According to preliminary findings, prolozone is capable of repairing damaged knee and hip cartilage.
Lax ligaments and tendons can benefit from prolotherapy. (Prolozone might also be useful for this)

Ozone Micro-Dosing & Acupuncture

The use of ozone therapy encourages the repair of damaged connective tissues. In order for the fibroblast cells to generate connective tissue to replace damaged tendons and ligaments, they occasionally need to be stimulated. Micro-Dosing (Ozone Acupuncture) is a treatment that stimulates connective tissue regeneration by injecting tiny dosages of ozone subcutaneously (under the skin) in regions of damage or in areas associated to injuries.

Hyaluronic Acid Injections

Hyaluronic acid injections (Durolane or Synvisc), also known as viscosupplementation injections, are used for the treatment of knee, hip, shoulder, elbow and ankle osteoarthritis. Healthy cartilage often contains the naturally occurring chemical hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid levels are lower in cartilage that is diseased or arthritic. These injections may aid in pain management, joint lubrication, and hyaluronic acid replacement. Additionally, the injection encourages your joint to produce more of this critical chemical. Three-quarters of patients (75%) report effective symptom improvement after receiving these injections. These injections provide a transient effect that normally lasts between two and six months. Injections of hyaluronic acid are most effective in mild to severe arthritis.

For those with osteoarthritis (OA), DUROLANE may provide the following advantages:

  • Directly treats the affected joint
  • Repeatable as required
  • May help to avoid or delay hip or knee replacement surgery
  • Long-term freedom from knee & hip pain
  • Simple & quick to administer
  • Drug-free alternative to pills

DUROLANE was created especially to address the knee and hip osteoarthritis symptoms. It functions by replenishing the joint fluid’s lubricating and shock-absorbing qualities, which are diminished in osteoarthritis.