Addictions Recovery and Substance Withdrawal Rehab

Addictions Recovery and Substance Withdrawal Rehab

We’ve recently added a neurotransmitter rehabilitation treatment program to our already impressive and comprehensive Revive! Addictions Recovery program at White Rock Naturopathic, and our work with Summit Bridge Consulting Group (

While the first step in our program remains a functional medical assessment looking for conditions in the body (i.e. functional & chemical disorders, neurotransmitter levels, nutritional requirements and deficiencies, etc.) that contribute to addiction, followed by our individualized detox process, we are now following up with a Neurotransmitter Restoration and Repair Phase in our treatment programs.

This treatment phase emphasizes restoring neurotransmitter levels to normal levels while repairing damaged neuroreceptors via amino acid and NAD therapy, in both oral and intravenous forms for 5-10 days. Oral supplementation therapy ollows the main treatment for another month. This new approach has further enabled us to individualize withdrawal and recovery programs based on one’s specific biochemical needs.

For further information, please see:


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