Deep Tissue Laser Therapy

Deep Tissue Laser Therapy

White Rock-South Surrey Naturopathic Laser Therapy Clinic

litecure-lct-1000Through a procedure known as photobiostimulation, Deep Tissue Laser Therapy is an inventive use of cutting-edge new technology that provides superior pain relief and speeds up healing periods.



The LCT-1000 is the first Class IV laser that Health Canada has approved and is accessible in Canada. It outperforms the competition in its capacity to quickly reduce pain and inflammation, speed up healing, and be stronger than any therapeutic, pain-relieving laser now on the market. It is revolutionising the process of repairing, reconstructing, and rehabilitating chronically painful, inflamed, and injured joints and connective tissue when used in conjunction with Prolotherapy and Platelet Rich Plasma treatment.

Deep, penetrating photonic radiation is delivered by the LCT-1000 to cause significant physiological changes. At the location of the injury, circulation is improved, inflammation and discomfort are decreased, and more ATP (Adenosine-triphosphate) is produced. The LCT-1000 causes these alterations in cellular chemistry, making it a genuine healing method. The LCT-1000 gives you:

  • Quick pain relief
  • Quick reduction of inflammation
  • Expedited recovery
  • A drug-free method of therapy

LCT-1000 Deep Tissue Laser Therapy is Ideal for:

  • Musculoskeletal Pain
  • Soft Tissue Injuries
  • Migraine Headaches
  • Back Pain and Spinal Conditions
  • Myofascial Trigger Points
  • Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Neuropathic Pain
  • Bell’s Palsy
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Sports Injuries
  • Sprains, Strains
  • Knee Pain
  • Hamstring Tears
  • Arthritic Pain

The World’s First Class IV Laser-Massage System

The Class IV Laser-Massage System delivers the first and only massage system accessible, dispensing 10 Watts of calming laser light through a cutting-edge, optically perfect quartz ball.

The DEEP (Delivery Enhanced Energy Penetration) Tissue Laser-Massage System was created by the scientists and engineers of LiteCure via the scientific research of light and tissue interaction. As the laser light is applied, soft tissue is mechanically moved to expose more structures to the photonic energy, hastening the healing process and reducing pain to a larger extent.

High Power Laser Therapy

What is High Power Laser Therapy (HPLT)?

Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission or Radiation is referred to as L-A-S-E-R. This is a general word for light waves of a certain wavelength. Both artificial and natural light typically consists of numerous distinct light wavelengths that scatter in various directions.

There are many distinct applications for lasers. Therapeutic lasers, however—also referred to as “Cold Lasers,” Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), or High Power Laser Therapy (HPLT]—are exclusive to the medical industry. Therapeutic lasers, unlike surgical lasers, which “break” the skin, provide a wide range of advantages to patients while “passing through” the skin. The physiological modifications brought about by light’s wavelengths in the body’s cells are known as photobiomodulation. These advantages include a decrease in pain, a quicker healing process, better blood flow, and less inflammation. Below is a detailed summary of several of the most striking therapeutic benefits.

Laser Therapy Benefits

Therapeutic Benefits of High Power Laser Therapy (HPLT)

The positive benefits of laser treatment for a wide range of clinical diseases have been the subject of a great deal of clinical research and investigations. The main well researched biological consequences of laser therapy are listed succinctly here.

Laser Therapy Effect #1: Analgesia Pain Relief

Through various distinct biological pathways, laser therapy reduces pain. 1) Laser therapy prevents pain signals from the body’s wounded areas from reaching the brain. As a result, there is a marked reduction in the sense of pain and decreased nerve sensitivity. 2) Laser therapy also lessens pain by reducing swelling and inflammation. 3) The release of endorphins and enkephalins, which are our bodies’ natural painkillers, is increased by laser therapy, which also lessens pain.

Laser Therapy Effect #2: Enhanced Nerve Function

Laser light shortens the time needed for nerve cells to repair after an injury by accelerating the process of nerve cell reconnection. Additionally, laser therapy enhances general nerve and muscle performance by increasing the amplitude (strength) of action potentials (signals delivered along nerve fibres). These two explanations help to explain why Laser Therapy is so effective in reducing the signs and symptoms of nerve damage, such as burning, tingling, numbness, and severe pain.

Laser Therapy Effect #3: Anti-Inflammatory

Vasodilation, a process brought on by laser therapy, causes the body’s tiny arteries and lymph vessels to enlarge. This enhanced vasodilation improves the removal of edema, swelling, and inflammation from injured sites. Lymphatic drainage is also encouraged by vasodilation of the lymph veins, which furthers this crucial healing process. Because of this unique biological action, bruises frequently heal more quickly.

Laser Therapy Effect #4: Accelerated Wound Healing

The fibroblasts that are the basis for collagen formation are stimulated by laser treatment. The crucial protein needed to grow new tissue or repair damaged tissue is collagen. This result makes laser therapy useful for healing burns and open wounds.

Laser Therapy Effect #5: Enhanced Tissue Repair and Cell Growth

Therapeutic lasers release light photons that deeply penetrate the body’s tissues and activate a cell’s production centres. These cells absorb nutrients and eliminate waste materials more quickly as a result of the stimulation’s increase in the energy available to them. This significantly speeds up the mending of damaged tissue, resulting in quicker tendon, ligament, and muscle recovery.

Laser Therapy Effect #6: Improved Circulation

Within injured tissues, laser therapy greatly boosts the growth of new capillaries, or microscopic blood vessels. The healing process is accelerated, wounds seal more quickly, and the production of scar tissue is decreased when there are more capillaries carrying more blood to the injury site.

Laser Therapy Effect #7: Enhanced Metabolic Activity

Individual blood cells that are exposed to the laser beam during treatment also experience significant effects from laser therapy. Red blood cells’ (RBCs) ability to carry oxygen and nutrients is dramatically increased by laser light. Increased metabolic activity and the synthesis of certain enzymes are made possible by this. Both of these effects extend beyond the area that was directly exposed to the laser light and are felt throughout the entire body.

Laser Therapy Effect #8: Reduced Formation of Scar Tissue

Following tissue injury caused by wounds, burns, and surgery, laser therapy lessens the development of scar tissue (fibrous tissue). By accelerating the healing process, enhancing blood flow to the wounded region, and more efficiently removing waste products—all of which are mechanisms outlined above—laser therapy is able to minimise this development. Less scar tissue is always formed when a wound heals more quickly.

Laser Therapy Effect #9: Enhanced Immune Function

Chromophores, which are located in the majority of the body’s cells and are molecular enzymes, directly absorb photons of laser light. By absorbing the laser light, a certain enzyme mechanism that initiates the creation of ATP is triggered. Adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, is the single most significant source of energy that drives ALL chemical processes in ALL bodily cells. Faster and more effective function result from increased energy generation; this is particularly true for immune-specific cells subjected to laser therapy. The immune system is helped by this increased effectiveness in warding off harmful infections and germs.

Laser Therapy Effect #10: Stimulation of Acupuncture Points

A successful alternative to conventional acupuncture therapy is laser therapy. Through the mechanical stimulation of “Acupuncture Points” all throughout the body, traditional acupuncture produces therapeutic results. This is accomplished by inserting needles into the acupuncture points and twisting, tamping, or attaching the needles to electrical stimulation devices thereafter. The same acupuncture points may be stimulated by laser therapy without the requirement for invasive needling or other forms of mechanical stimulation.

Conditions that Benefit

Conditions that Benefit from Laser Therapy

Neurogenic Pain

  • Neuropathy (Nerve Pain)
  • Diabetic Neuropathy
  • Pinched Nerves
  • Sciatica or Pinched Sciatic Nerve
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome / Repetitive Motion Injuries of the Hand and Wrist
  • Trigeminal Neuralgia

Joint Conditions

  • Arthritis (Osteoarthritis)
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Low Back Pain
  • Neck Pain and Headaches
  • Injuries of the Knee Meniscus
  • Shoulder and Hip Bursitis
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome / Repetitive Motion Injuries of the Hand and Wrist
  • Rotator Cuff Tears / Shoulder Injuries
  • TMJ Dysfunction (Temporomandibular Dysfunction) / Jaw Pain
  • Chonromalacia Patellae

Soft Tissue Injuries

  • Disc Bulges and Herniated Discs
  • Degenerative Disc Disease
  • Tendonitis including Biceps Tendonitis, Achilles Tendonitis, Elbow Tendonitis
  • Golfer’s Elbow, Tennis Elbow also know as Medial and Lateral Epicondylitis
  • Muscle Sprains including Groin Pulls and Hamstring Tears
  • Ligaments Strains including Medial and Lateral Collateral Ligament Injuries / Anterior and Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries
  • Plantar Fasciitis (Fascitis)
  • Ankle Sprains
  • Myofascial Trigger Points
  • Chronic Non-Healing Wounds
  • Diabetic Ulcers of the Foot
  • Venous Ulcers
  • Burns
  • Amputee Stumps

How Does it Work?

About Laser Therapy:: How Does Laser Therapy Work?

The following is how research biologists explain the healing process.

1. Human tissue is deprived of oxygen and glucose when blood flow is reduced.
2. In order to produce energy (ATP), the mitochondria, the cell’s power plant, require oxygen and glucose.

A cell cannot function (a muscle cell cannot contract or relax, a nerve cell cannot transmit essential signals, etc.) or repair damaged cell parts if it lacks ATP (adenosine triphosphate).

Simply said, healing is impossible without oxygen and glucose.

The Solution

Bypassing the bloodstream, laser treatment sends laser energy directly to the mitochondria’s photoreceptors. This energy is taken up by the mitochondria, which then convert it into ATP so that the cell may utilise it to power the healing process.


Painless treatment is provided by the LiteCure Laser. Only a little spa-like warming sensation is felt by the patient on the skin’s surface.

A Real World Analogy of How High Power Laser Therapy Works

Traumatic Injuries and Tissue Degeneration resemble serious auto accidents on the motorway when rescue personnel must navigate through congested areas before providing aid. The emergency personnel stand in for the body’s capacity to repair itself, and the motorway might be compared to the blood supply at the injury site. Emergency personnel are faced with two main obstacles: first, the injured people cannot be treated until the traffic is relieved, and second, the traffic cannot be relieved until the damaged vehicles are evacuated. With this illustration, you can see that it would probably take a very long time before rescue teams could offer assistance.

The creation of the energy required for healing is significantly delayed as a result of this roadblock, which inhibits oxygen and glucose from reaching the injury site. In other words, without oxygen and glucose, healing is impossible.

Life Flight, a helicopter that avoids traffic and travels immediately to the accident scene to treat the ill and injured, is a superior alternative in the real world.Class IV High Power Laser Therapy is Life Flight in Cellular Medicine.

High Class IV Power Unlike oxygen, glucose, immune system components, and pharmaceuticals, laser therapy does not depend on the blood stream to treat wounded neurons. In order to speed up the healing process, laser therapy sends the required energy straight to the mitochondria, which are the nerve cell’s power plants.The mitochondria are stimulated by the concentrated, high-energy light pulses to make the essential ATP.The arterial “highway” that was harmed by the first injury is entirely bypassed by this photochemical process. In other words, the following straightforward formula may be used to illustrate the part that laser therapy plays in the healing process:

Cold Laser vs High Power Laser Therapy

What is the Difference? High Power Laser Therapy vs. Cold Laser Therapy

It’s All about the Power

The single most important factor that determines the effectiveness of Laser Therapy is the Power Output of the Laser Therapy Unit. This power is measured in milliwatts (abbreviated mW). The Power Output of the Laser Therapy Unit is important to the overall therapeutic effect for several reasons.

Power determines:

  • 1) Depth of Penetration (how deep within the body the laser is effective),
  • 2) Treatment Time (more power leads to shorter treatment times), and
  • 3) Therapeutic Effect (the severity of the conditions that can be treated effectively)

Different Classes of Laser Therapy

Although Health Canada recognizes Four Different Classifications of Lasers (Class I – Class IV), only Class IIIb and Class IV have been demonstrated to provide health benefits to patients.

Low Level Laser Therapy (Class IIIb):
Power Output = 25-500mW

Depth of Penetration: Less Than 0.5cm (approximately one-fifth of an inch!)

Class IIIb Lasers have been in use treating a variety of healthcare conditions for many years and are defined as having a total Power Output of 25-500mW. These lasers are commonly referred to as “Cold Laser” or “Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)”. Due to the extremely low power output these “Cold Lasers” are only capable of penetrating 1/5 of an inch deep and treatment times for simple conditions can be as much as 1-2 hours. Since the lasers only penetrate 1/5 of one inch below the skin these Cold Lasers are limited to conditions related to the skin or just below the skin (such as superficial ligaments and nerves that can be found in the more exposed joints of the body like hands, feet, elbows and knees). Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) has virtually no impact on the treatment of joint, muscle, nerve, bone or spinal disc conditions since most of these body structures are located well beneath the skin. Therefore, Cold Laser Therapy is often considered obsolete by laser therapy standards.

High Power Laser Therapy (Class IV):

Power Output = 10,000mW (20 times more powerful than the most powerful Class IIIb Laser and 100 times more powerful than the average Class IIIb Lasers)

Depth of Penetration: 3-4 inches (approximately 20-100 times deeper than Cold Laser)

Class IV High Power Laser Therapy (HPLT) is able to treat all the same conditions that respond well to Cold Laser Therapy including a great many more. Because High Power Lasers are able to penetrate more deeply into body tissues the vast majority of muscles, ligaments, tendons, joints, and nerves and skin can be treated effectively. Treatment times are also dramatically reduced when treating with High Power Laser Therapy. Low Power Lasers (25-500mW) would often require 60-120 minutes in order to deliver a Therapeutic Dose to the affected body part. High Power Laser Therapy (500mW – 10,000mW) deliver an equivalent Therapeutic Dose in a fraction of the time. In fact, the LiteCure Deep Tissue High Power Laser (the most powerful therapeutic laser available in Canada) can deliver a Therapeutic Dose of laser energy to many injured parts of the body within 5-15 minutes!

In summary, High Power Laser Therapy can Treat Many More Conditions in Much Less Time with Far Better Results than Cold Laser.

LiteCure Laser Therapy Videos

Laser Hair Rejuvenation

Laser Hair Rejuvenation is a proven, effective therapy for improving scalp circulation, vascularization, and hair follicle health on a cellular level,and rejuvenating hair for both men and women. Hair follicle diameters appear thicker and fuller following treatment.

Mechanisms of the laser therapy are:

  • Increased scalp blood flow and microcirculation by 30{207141290d17cf2d0e36b7fcca23870758f75cd560ee6c975d3a218849ee43d9}
  • Increased nutrient supply to enhance hair growth
  • Stimulates and accelerates hair growth
  • Stops the progression of hair loss
  • Repairs and improves hair shaft quality

Treatment Cost: $140.00 Monthly (Recommended 6 Months Min. or combined with PRP Hair Treatment Package)