New Patients Info

For New Patients – Appointments & Preparation

In order to get the most out of your first visit, be sure to bring to your visit any relevant information, including previous lab work, health records, and either your actual supplements and medication themselves, or at the minimum, a list of what you are currently taking. It may also be beneficial to bring in a chronological list of major illnesses, diseases, events and traumas experienced.

Washington State Patients

Yes, as we are close to the border, we do see many patients from both Blaine and Bellingham looking for naturopathic care. Prescriptions are provided for any medication or supplements to facilitate border crossings and customs.

Fees & Cancellation Policy

Please see the fees page for complete information.

What Will a Visit Be Like?

First visits are all about developing an understanding of what is going on with you, your health goals and concerns, and coming up with a plan for how we can help. This involves both going through your health history, the information on your clinic forms, and performing any clinical assessment (naturopathic and conventional), that would help us develop our treatment plan.

Along with a detailed look at your symptoms, it is likely we will explore something of your nature and personality, your likes and dislikes, moods and feelings. The purpose is to develop a thorough picture of you that will help in the selection of the most appropriate and the best tailored treatment. While some basic physical exam may be performed, tests or procedures that we are not able to offer will be referred.

Follow-Up Visits

Follow-up visits vary in length, and frequency depending on need, and treatment plan. For laser, acupuncture or bodywork, visits are ideally 1-2x per week as needed (for a 1-4 week period). Regular follow-ups are scheduled at 3-6 week intervals and last 20 to 40 minutes. When progress is well established, visits are less frequent. Prolotherapy and PRP visits are typically every 4-6 weeks, unless the condition is acute.

White Rock Naturopathic Clinic Hours:

Monday: 10am-6pm

Tuesday: 10am-6pm

Wednesday: 10am-6pm

Thursday: 10am-6pm

*Earlier or Later by Appointment Only